Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November 5th Meeting Notes

1. Report from October City Manager's meeting

2. Alex Jaegerman, Planning Division Director, outlined the creation of the "Bayside Vision" document, a collaboration between the city and the Bayside neighborhood which is the foundation for the recent developments in Bayside. He talked about the funding, timetable, and obstacles to the process. He offered advice on how the SJVNA could begin planning its own "vision" by assessing our neighborhood's assets and character, figuring out what the neighborhood needs are, and to create a strategic plan with the goal of bringing people into the neighborhood/sharing it

3. An update on the CDBG application process:
  • Deadlines:
November 17, 2008 The Application will be available
November 24
, 2008 Mandatory Applicants Meeting at 1:30pm in the State of Maine room
in City Hall.
December 18, 2008 at 3:00pm Applications are DUE.

4. Discussion of the proposed Expo Winter Forum. This is the forum to sign people up for Property tax and Rent Refund Program and the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. December 14th has been reserved at the Portland Expo. Councilor Dave Marshall is coordinating with Rep. Jon Hinck to get state and city reps there.