Tuesday, June 10, 2008

St John Valley Neighborhood Association Elections
June 18, 2008 6:30pm

The St John Valley Neighborhood Association will be holding elections on June 18th at 6:30 pm at the Frannie Peabody Center at 106 Gilman Street (map). The entrance is between Valley and Gilman and facing Hadlock Field.

Position to be filled: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Communications Director. Nominations for these positions and secret ballot voting will be conducted during this meeting.

Board Duties, as defined by the association by-laws, are as follows:

President shall preside at all meetings of the general membership. The President shall be the spokesperson of the Association consistent with the objectives and prior resolutions of the Association. The President shall be charged with setting the meeting agenda prior to the scheduled meeting. The President shall be the liaison to the City of Portland. The President shall chair the Board. The President shall work to create and implement the neighborhood plan.

Vice President
shall fulfill the duties of the President in the President's absence and shall serve as the parliamentarian of the Association. The Vice President shall work with the President to create and implement the neighborhood plan.

shall be responsible for keeping an accurate written record of all business discussed at meetings of the general membership and for all outside correspondence of the Association. The Secretary shall also have charge of all non-financial books and records of the Association, including the active membership list and maintenance of the by-laws.

shall be responsible for the finances of the Association, shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures and shall sign for all checks drawn on banking accounts of the Association. The Treasurer is authorized to disperse up to one-hundred ($100) dollars of Association funds. Expenditures greater than one-hundred ($100) dollars requires authorization from the Board.

Communications Director shall be responsible for public notification of meetings of the Association, the management of all web pages, and for community outreach.

St John Valley By-laws Approved

The by-laws for the St John Valley Neighborhood Association were approved by the general membership on June 4th, 2008. Below is a link to a complete word document.

St John Valley By-Laws

St John Valley Mission Statement Approved

The new Mission Statement for the St. John Valley Neighborhood Association was approved by the general membership at a meeting on June 4th, 2008.

The mission of this group will be:

The Saint John Valley Neighborhood Association is a forum to connect residents, business and property owners with each other and the City of Portland. Our mission is to create a safe, welcoming, prosperous and respectful community. We strive to beautify streetscapes, promote local business development and reclaim our streets through calming traffic and improving our pedestrian environment.